Team code Score Country City School name Place
1 02RUS 494,4079153 Russia Saint-Petersburg Presidential lyceum of physics and mathematics №239 Grand prix
2 01RUS 441,4363961 Russia Moscow Lyceum «Second School» named after V.F. Ovchinnikov Gold
3 01SRB 432,6394928 Serbia Belgrade Mathematical Grammar School Silver
4 03RUS 424,6746082 Russia Dolgoprudny ANEO “Phystech-Lyceum” named after P.L. Kapitza Silver
5 26KAZ 415,8746264 Kazakhstan Fizmat Almaty National School of Physics and Mathematics in Almaty Bronze
6 06RUS 408,2247221 Russia Moscow Lyceum “Vorobevy gory” Bronze
7 02TUR 389,473712 Turkey Kocaeli Tubitak Science High School Bronze
8 05RUS 382,7216158 Russia Moscow ANEO «LETOVO School» Honorable mention
9 03ARM 367,9408977 Armenia Yerevan PhysMath Specialized School under YSU after A.Shahinyan Honorable mention
10 02GEO 367,3157828 Georgia Tbilisi LEPL Vladimir Komarovi Tbilisi Physics and Mathematics N199 Public School Honorable mention