21st International Zhautykov Olympiad

Astana, Kazakhstan

A word from the minister

Annual International Zhautykov Olympiad is one of the most prestigious educational events held in Kazakhstan. Talented contestants from more than fifteen countries tackle sophisticated problems in mathematics, physics, and computer science while collaborating in teams, thereby inspiring a healthy competitive atmosphere during the Olympic week.

Considering the fact that the world of new technologies is rapidly developing, the three areas of IZHO (mathematics, physics, and computer science) offer the participants a wonderful opportunity to increase their interest in research activities and intensify their desire to make a significant contribution to innovative technological progress.

Over the years the program of the Zhautykov Olympiad has become increasingly active, with the number of participants growing from every corner of the globe. For this reason, we are very honored to support the organizing committee of the Olympiad and wish all the competitors and their coaches success and an unforgettable stay in our home of Kazakhstan!

Gani Beisembayev

A word from the a chairman of the board of directors National School of Physics and Mathematics

The International Zhautykov Olympiad, named after the outstanding Kazakh mathematician and academician Zhautykov Orymbek Akhmetbekovich, is one of the most prestigious educational events held in Kazakhstan, and I am glad that for 20 years it has been held on the basis of the National School of Physics and Mathematics.

As a graduate of the Fizmat, it is a great honor for me to contribute to the holding and development of the Olympiad, which gathers talented and strong participants from different parts of the world.

Today, in the era of rapid technological development, participation in such competitions is becoming especially important. The three main areas of the Olympiad - mathematics, physics and computer science - provide participants with an excellent opportunity to expand their knowledge in these areas and be inspired by research activities. In addition, the Olympiad promotes the development of analytical and logical thinking and other important skills necessary for a successful career in science and innovation.

I wish the participants and organizers of the XXI International Zhautykov Olympiad creative success, bright victories and interesting meetings!

Berik Kaniyev


The National School of Physics and Mathematics and the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Daryn”, with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are holding the XXI International Zhautyk Olympiad (IZhO) in Mathematics, Physics and computer science, which aims to develop international relations, promote the importance of scientific knowledge and improve cooperation between specialized physics and mathematics schools around the world.

The Olympiad will be held offline from January 13 to January 17, 2025 and is open to all participants. However, participation in the individual online computer science tour is only available to international participants.

The Olympiad involves a team competition. Each team should consist of 7 participants: 3 participants in mathematics, 2 participants in physics and 2 participants in computer science and team leaders (teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science). The team leader must be able to speak any of the three official languages of the Olympiad: Kazakh, Russian or English. Each participant is allowed to complete tasks in their native  language. Teams of less than seven people are allowed to participate. More than one team from one country is allowed to participate, but the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad reserves the right to limit the number of school teams representing one country or city.

The results of the Olympiad are determined by individual scores in each subject. The team ranking is determined by the sum of the individual results of the participants. The best schools are awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.


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Education Fair

Special Awards

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Kapparov Award

Prize in memory of Nurlan Kapparov for the highest score in mathematics

Nurlan Kapparov was a prominent Kazakhstan statesman, a bright entrepreneur and a philanthropist.

In 1990 Nurlan Kapparov founded Accept Corporation, one of the most successful private companies in Kazakhstan. Between 1997 and 1999 Nurlan Kapparov worked as President and CEO of Kazakh national companies KazTransOil and KazakhOil (currently KazMunaiGas). In 1999 Nurlan Kapparov was appointed Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan where he was responsible for monitoring the oil and gas sector.

Having served his country for four years, in 2001 Nurlan Kapparov was accepted at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard to study for a Master’s in Public Administration. On his return to Kazakhstan, in 2003 Nurlan Kapparov and his close friends founded Lancaster Group, a Kazakhstan-based holding company operating across different sectors such as oil and gas services, mining, pharmacy, infrastructure, financial services and real estate.

Following the success of Lancaster Group, Nurlan Kapparov was invited again for a Government position. In 2012 he took the post of Minister of Environmental Protection and Water Resources. Nurlan used his considerable political and diplomatic skills to make Kazakhstan a leader in environmental policy. Later, in 2014 Nurlan was appointed CEO of KazAtomProm, the national nuclear holding company.

Nurlan Kapparov was a leader who inspired his peers, partners and friends. He was also known for his commitment to charity and philanthropy. Nurlan Kapparov paid particular attention to the youth and their education. As a graduate of the National School of Physics and Math (Fizmat), he co-founded the Fizmat Alumni Fund in 1999 and was its long-time contributor. He believed that the talented children of his country should receive quality education, and the support of such children and the school would be the best investment for Kazakhstan. The Fund helped finance the participation of students in Olympiads, provide money rewards for the winners, as well as financial support for the distinguished teachers.

In 2003 upon his return from Harvard, Nurlan Kapparov founded the Harvard Club of Central Asia (HCCA), aimed at bringing together Harvard graduates from the region. With his assistance the HCCA started scholarships for local students to attend the institution and provided guidance on admissions. In honor of Nurlan Kapparov and his legacy at Harvard, his friends and family established The Nurlan Kapparov Fellowship at the John F. Kennedy School of Government. For a generation of talented young people, Nurlan became the bridge that made the previously unthinkable prospect of getting into this world-ranking university a reality.


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Segalovich Award

Prize in memory of Iliya Segalovich

Ilya Segalovich was one of the founders and the director of  Yandex Company Technologies Department (since 2000).

Ilya Segalovich had started to work on search engines technologies in 1990 in Arkadiya Company where he led a team which worked on software programming. In the period of 1993-2000 he was a head of search engine department in CompTek International. In 2000, Ilya Segalovich left the CompTek International and became the technologies and development director at Yandex Company. Besides Ilya rendered his great assistance in establishing National Corps of Russian Language (Ruscorpora) and Russian Seminar in Assessment of Information Search Methods. Furthermore, Ilya is one of the founders of "Maria's Children" Rehabilitation and Arts Center.

In 1981 he graduated from National School of Physics and Math in Almaty and in 1986 he graduated from Russian Geological Exploration State University with distinction.

(1964 - 2013)

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Imambekov Award

Prize in memory of Adilet Imambekov

Adilet Imambekov was born on September 2, 1981 in Taraz in a family of young local university lecturer. In 1984 his family moved to Almaty and in 1988 Adilet started his first studies in secondary school #7 in Alatau village (Nuclear Physics Institute). In 1996 Adilet was admitted to MSU Kolmogorov Physics and Mathematics School (AESC MSU), and graduated from it in 1998 with distinction. In the same year, he participated and was awarded with gold medal in International Physics Olympiad in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. After graduating from high-school he was admitted to Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) without admissions examination. During his studies Adilet actively participated in social life of the institute, serving as Students Government Senator. Adilet participated in organizing All-Russian Physics Olympiad and trained Russian students for participation in International Olympiad. In 2002 he graduated from MIPT with distinction and received offers to continue his studies in 5 top universities (Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, Caltech). He decided to proceed with his studies and researches at Harvard for the next 5 years (2002-2007). Adilet was the very first Kazakhstani physicist who was recognized in scientific international arena. His works were published in such high-ranking journals as Nature, Science, Annal in Phys., Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys., Rev, and etc. Moreover, his works were distinguished by prestigious awards and scholarships: Landau Award, Parcell Fund Scholarship (Harvard University), Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Scholarship, and NSF Career Award that is supported by the US President and given to a limited number of young scientists.

In addition to being a remarkable young scientist, Adilet was also a seasoned sportsman and a tough marathoner, triathlete, and a mountaineer. On a regular basis he participated in annual New York, Boston, Austin and other marathons. In April 2012, participating in Texas IRONMAN program, he became an overall winner with 11 hours and 52 minutes result. Adilet alternated his scientific work with his hard trainings, and dedicated his summer holidays for conquering mountains. He participated in Alaska, Tian Shan, Pamir, and Himalayas expeditions. Adilet ascended to Mont Blanc Peak (4810 m), McKinley (6190 m), Muztagh Ata (7546 m). Tragically, he passed away in July 2012, during his expedition to Khan Tengri peak.

His short, but extremely bright life shined like a fireball. Adilet’s story can serve as a guidance for children who decided to devote their lives to develop science and to lead a healthy lifestyle.



